Slavo Banas

Freelance Developer

[Unity3D] [C#] [MacOS/Windows/Linux]

Vampire Fortress

A game made in 1 month for Level Up: an RPG Jam.

[C#] [OpenGL] [ImGui] [MacOS/Windows/Linux]

Tofu3D Game Engine

Game engine I work on in my free time. It's written in C# and uses OpenGL for rendering. It's heavily inspired by the structure and functionality of Unity3D's GameObjects/Components.

[Windows] [Unity3D] [C#]

Beach watch

Made this game for a game jame called SeaJam in 2 weeks. SeaJam was created to help the campaing of YouTubers MrBeast and Mark Rober, #TeamSeas, and help reduce the pollution in our seas. Beach Watch let's the player clean the beach by typing the name of the garbage. After the whole day of cleaning the beach, player can see the amount of fish he saved and other statistics, and his score is put on an online leaderboard.

[Android & iOS] [Unity3D] [C#]

Zombie Hill Racing
[by Inlogic Software]

Became the developer for this game in the beginning of 2020. The core of the game was made and published, since then, we added alot of new functionalities, reworked major game systems, and with every update, pushed new levels with new cars and game mechanics.
Game is published on Google Play and App Store with well over 10 million installs.

[Android] [Unity3D] [C#]

Cooking Saga
[by Inlogic Software]

[Android] [Unity3D] [C#]

Pool Pro 2020
[by Inlogic Software]

[Web] [PhaserJS] [HTML5]

Star Battles
[by Inlogic Software]

[Web] [PhaserJS] [HTML5]

[by Inlogic Software]

[Web] [PhaserJS] [HTML5]

Dune Surfer
[by Inlogic Software]

[Web] [PhaserJS] [HTML5]

[by Inlogic Software]

[PC] [WinForms] [C#]

Photobooth software

Freelance project for a startup PhotoBox company. It's made of 2 parts: Camera control app and Photos processor/browser. Camera control app is communicating with digital camera via USB. Camera vision is visible in program too. Users can customize intervals between photos, ISO and other camera settings, and customization border which is appended to the photo, or collage of 3 photos.

[PC] [WinForms] [C#]

TV Slideshow in Café

Freelance project for F1 Café. Program is well optimized to run on Intel Compute Stick STK1AW32SC. Project consisted of making 2 programs.
First one is Slideshow program that uses WinForms to display media files such as documents, images, videos. Program automatically converts all common file types to compatible ones. It runs on ICS and 4K TV.
Second one is Remote Control program that uses Gmail API to send files to main program running on ICS.

[Web] [PhaserJS] [HTML5]


Freelance project for a tomato supplier company Paradajkovo. This was my first project working in PhaserJS. Game runs on Desktop and Android. I used PHP to work with MySQL database for game's leaderboard. The game is also connected to the Facebook page of the company via Facebook's Graph API. Players can share their score on this Facebook page directly from the game.

[Web] [R]


During my 2 year internship, our team has been building software that would help other companies navigate through their data such as profits, employees' profits, or regions with best sales. We have used R, HTML, Shiny, Google Graphs and other libraries.
I worked on number of core functions written in R, as well as on parts of front end.

[PC] [Unity3D] [C#]

Not Responding : The Game

Personal project. Clicker game with a plot.

[Android] [Xamarin] [C#]

Bazoš agent

App pulls data from local online bazaar.
It uses push notifications to alert user, that new offer has been added.

[Android] [Unity3D] [C#]

Pong Collection

Freelance project. It's a simple Pong game with 2 modes :
• Training - It's only you and the goal
• 1 Player - It's you vs. bot
You can also choose between 4 sports - Tennis, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey.

[PC] [WinForms] [C#]

Steel treatment price calculator

App made for a company to make calculations of steel treatment easier and faster. App can export document with needed data.

[Android] [Unity3D] [C#]

Square Jumper

One of my first games. It's a simple infinite runner where on screen tap, your cube switches it's color between black and white. Your goal is to match your color with color of platform you touch. The game features rewarded ads and skins.

[PC] [Unity] [C#] [Interactive application]

Ancient musical instruments

Freelance project with the focus of educating about ancient culture.
App is about exploring variety of musical instruments from ancient ages.
User can tap on particular instrument to hear it playing.

[PC] [Unity] [C#] [Interactive application]

World of Old Ages

Freelance project with the focus of educating about ancient culture.
App is about exploring different ancient ages. User can see more from particular age after tapping on one of 12 map spots.
After tapping, animated set of footprints go through path to the destination age.
Run on large vertical touchscreen TV.

[PC] [Unity] [C#] [Interactive application]


Freelance project with the focus of educating about ancient culture.
This app is about exploring items of ancient ages.
One part of the app is classic slideshow type, where user moves through all the content linearly.
It features quiz, where player can reveal secret image by answering questions about the ancient age he learned in this app.

[Unity3D] [C#]

Card Showcase demo

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